Cabling Chronicles

The OM Mantra

Adopted by TIA, the nomenclature for multimode fiber found in the ISO/IEC 11801 standard includes the prefix “OM.”

Rather than the spiritual mantra you hear in yoga class, most sources in our industry state that the acronym OM comes from “optical multimode” which seems rather obvious. But when it comes to the various nuances of each type of OM, the differences aren’t quite as obvious.

Let’s take a closer look.

May 22, 2020

2020 Cabling Industry Salary Survey Now Available

For the second year, Fluke Networks has teamed up with Cabling Installation and Maintenance to survey structured cabling professionals for salary information. 

May 14, 2020

What are all those specialty cords you use?

I was recently asked by a customer, to whom I was demonstrating a Fluke Networks OptiFiber® Pro OTDR and CertiFiber® Pro OLTS, why do you need all those specialty test leads to make measurements?  Why can’t I use patch cords?  We often take the understanding of such things for granted, so let’s take an in-depth look at the various accessory cords you need to make measurements accurately with our testers.

May 7, 2020

But I can’t get to the far end!

There are often times when you have to test a fiber link, but you can’t access the far end.  One of our customers, for example, was required to test fiber links to offshore wind platforms.  Unfortunately, in order to set foot on a platform, the technician would need to complete three days of safety training.  Three days training, lost time and all to test just a pair of fibers running to each tower.

April 30, 2020

Get Reel Before You Install!

It’s obvious why you might want to test reel of cable before you commit your time and resources to installing it. While it would be nice to think that every reel of cable coming out of the factory is in perfect condition, that’s not always the case. Furthermore, what’s not to say that the reel wasn’t damaged during shipping and handling? Just imagine testing the cable plant after installation only to find out that the cable is faulty—now that’s time and money lost!

April 23, 2020

What’s On Tap?

For those of you who got excited at the thought of happy hour when your customer requested a TAP, we thought you could use a little tutorial on these data traffic monitoring devices, the difference between passive and active TAPs, and some of the key considerations.

April 16, 2020

Electromagnetic Interference Mitigation in Industrial Ethernet Cabling

While standard and Industrial installations of Ethernet share many of the same characteristics, such as frame sizes, signal levels and data rates, there are significant differences as well. One of these is the physical environment in which the cabling system operates.   

April 9, 2020

Industrial Ethernet vs. Commercial

Todos sabemos que Ethernet es el protocolo de comunicaciones de nivel físico de facto para la transmisión de datos entre dispositivos en una red de área local o de área extensa. Ha evolucionado a lo largo de los años para ofrecer grados más elevados de rendimiento, al tiempo que mantiene la compatibilidad hacia atrás, la fiabilidad y el coste relativamente bajo, por lo que ha conservado su popularidad.

April 2, 2020

Testing Plug-Terminated Links—Internationally

El enlace terminado en conector modular, o MPTL, en el que un tendido de cable horizontal terminado en un extremo en un conector RJ-45 se conecta directamente a un dispositivo, se está volviendo cada vez más popular para conectar varios dispositivos (desde puntos de acceso inalámbricos y cámaras de seguridad, a luces PoE y pantallas de vídeo), principalmente en los casos en los que colocar una toma y un cable de equipo no se considere práctico o seguro.

March 26, 2020

Standards Update

Since the last standards update, I represented Fluke Networks and attended the TR42 meeting in New Orleans and the SC25 WG3 meeting in Sydney Australia. The following are some of the highlights worth noting.

March 9, 2020