Fluke Networks Versiv™ Training Resources

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DSX CableAnalyzer™

DSX CableAnalyzer™ Accelerates every step of the copper certification process

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Setting up for a Category 5e Permanent Link test Shows how to change the test limit on a DSX CableAnalyzer to a Category 5e Permanent Link (video) Haga clic aquí
Setting a reference Shows how to set a reference on a DSX CableAnalyzer (video) Haga clic aquí
Setting up for a two pair Category 5e Permanent Link Shows how to configure your DSX CableAnalyzer for a two pair Category 5e Permanent Link test (video) Haga clic aquí
Comprobación de la integridad del apantallamiento Shows how your current field tester may be reporting a false PASS when testing the shield continuity (video) Haga clic aquí
Worst case margin vs. Worst case value Explains how your test report contains two margins (video) Haga clic aquí
Modular Plug Terminated Link (MPTL) Discusses how you test a link that consists of a patch panel at one end and an RJ45 plug at the other; a common occurrence in the implementation of CCTV and wireless access points (video) Haga clic aquí
NVP – Nominal Velocity of Propagation Explains what NVP is, how it's calculated and your options for setting it in the DSX-5000 CableAnalyzer (video) Haga clic aquí
NEXT failed due to a poor termination Your DSX CableAnalyzer can diagnose a failing NEXT result caused by a poor termination (video) Haga clic aquí
NEXT fails on a short link Your DSX CableAnalyzer can diagnose a failing NEXT result. Even on a short link (video) Haga clic aquí
Return Loss fails due to cable (example #1) Your DSX CableAnalyzer can diagnose a failing Return Loss result (video) Haga clic aquí
Return Loss fails due to cable (example #2) Your DSX CableAnalyzer can diagnose a failing Return Loss result (video) Haga clic aquí
Return Loss fails due to water in the cable Your DSX CableAnalyzer can diagnose a failing Return Loss result caused by water in the cable (video) Haga clic aquí
NEXT fails or marginally passes due to cable Your DSX CableAnalyzer can diagnose a failing NEXT Loss result caused by the cable (video) Haga clic aquí
Lubricant caused Insertion Loss to fail Lubricant used to pull cable through conduit can cause an Insertion Loss issue (video) Haga clic aquí
Poor balance resulted in a 1000BASE-T switch operating at 100BASE-TX If your link certifies with good margin but the owner is still complaining about performance, you may wish to consider a TCL (Transverse Conversion Loss) measurement. The DSX CableAnalyzer is the only tester capable of this measurement in the field (video) Haga clic aquí
The 3 dB Rule Almost all Return Loss measurements in the DSX CableAnalyzer are subject to the 3 dB rule (video) Haga clic aquí
The 4 dB Rule Most ISO/IEC and EN NEXT measurements are subject to the 4 dB rule (video) Haga clic aquí
The 10% rule for length ANSI/TIA-1152 permits the length measurement to be exceeded by 10% (video) Haga clic aquí

Equipo de comprobación de pérdida óptica CertiFiber® Pro

Equipo de comprobación de pérdida óptica CertiFiber® Pro

Tema Descripción Enlace
Getting Started with the CertiFiber Pro Unboxing (video)
Tester Setup – Part 1 (video)
Tester Setup – Part 2 (video)
Running a Test (video)
Creating a Report (video)
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Automatic fiber inspection How to turn on automated fiber inspection for the Versiv platform (video) Haga clic aquí
Custom Fixed Loss Limit How to create a custom fixed loss limit in the CertiFiber Pro (video) Haga clic aquí
Custom connector/splice/fiber Loss Limits How to create a custom connector, splice and/or fiber loss limit in the CertiFiber Pro (video) Haga clic aquí
Single Fiber Testing with CertiFiber Pro How to test a single fiber with the CertiFiber Pro (video) Haga clic aquí
Fiber Application Standards Application/Standards Articles (Fiber) (Knowledge Base Article) Haga clic aquí

FI-7000 FiberInspector Pro

FI-7000 FiberInspector™ Pro 1-second automated PASS/FAIL certication of fiber optic connector end-faces

Tema Descripción Enlace
Getting Started with the FI-7000 FiberInspector Pro FI-7000 FiberInspector Pro (video) Haga clic aquí
Automated Fiber Inspection How to turn on automated fiber inspection for the Versiv platform (video) Haga clic aquí
Cross Contamination How one dirty fiber connector can contaminate an entire installation (video) Haga clic aquí

OptiFiber Pro

OptiFiber® Pro OTDR Built for the Enterprise

Tema Descripción Enlace
Getting Started with the OptiFiber PRO Unboxing (video)
Tester Setup (video) 
Running a Test – Part 1 (video)
Running a Test – Part 2 (video)
Creating a Report (video)
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Clearing the memory and all settings in your OptiFiber Pro How to permanently wipe the internal memory of the OptiFiber Pro (video) Haga clic aquí
Límites de comprobación The importance of selecting the appropriate test limit (video) Haga clic aquí
Launch Only Compensation How to remove the length of your launch fiber from the OTDR measurement … plus the limitations of not using a tail (receive) fiber (video) Haga clic aquí
Launch Plus Tail Compensation How to remove the length of your launch and tail fiber from the OTDR measurement … plus the benefits of using a tail (receive) fiber. (video) Haga clic aquí
Auto vs Manual OTDR The difference in using AUTO vs MANUAL Mode in the OptiFiber Pro (video) Haga clic aquí
Project Management How the project feature in the OptiFiber Pro can be used to avoid errors when OTDR testing (video) Haga clic aquí
Event Map How the Event Map feature automatically maps a fiber link (video) Haga clic aquí
Cross Contamination How one dirty fiber connector can contaminate an entire installation (video) Haga clic aquí

Versiv Knowledge Base

Tema Descripción Enlace
DSX-5000 Cable Analyzer Knowledgebase Articles – DSX-5000 Cable Analyzer (Knowledge Base Article) Haga clic aquí
CertiFiber Pro OLTS Knowledgebase Articles – CertiFiber PRO (Knowledge Base Article) Haga clic aquí
OTDR OptiFiber PRO Knowledgebase Articles – OptiFiber PRO (Knowledge Base Article) Haga clic aquí
FI-7000 Fiber Inspector PRO Knowledgebase Articles – FI-7000 Fiber Inspector PRO (Knowledge Base Article) Haga clic aquí


Versiv Technical Reference Handbook

Versiv™ Cabling Certification Product Family


Tema Descripción Enlace
Manual de referencia técnica de Versiv Technical Reference Handbook for DSX5000, CertiFiber PRO and OptiFiber PRO (Manual) Haga clic aquí

LinkWare Live

LinkWare™ Live Certification Management

Tema Descripción Enlace
Getting Started with LinkWare Live LinkWare™ Live – How to Get an Account (video) Haga clic aquí
Cómo añadir usuarios a su cuenta LinkWare™ Live – Add Users to Your LinkWare Live Account (video) Haga clic aquí
Privilegios de usuario LinkWare™ Live – User privileges (video) Haga clic aquí
Connect Versiv to the Internet LinkWare™ Live – Connecting Versiv to the internet (video) Haga clic aquí
Upload Test Results to LinkWare Live LinkWare™ Live – Uploading projects (video) Haga clic aquí
Set Up a Project LinkWare™ Live – Setting up a project (video) Haga clic aquí
Download Projects to a Versiv Cable Tester LinkWare™ Live – Downloading projects to Versiv (video) Haga clic aquí
Import Test Results to LinkWare PC LinkWare™ Live – Importing results to PC (video) Haga clic aquí
Reconciliation LinkWare™ Live – Using reconciliation to verify test settings (video) Haga clic aquí